hello, from the other side....

(will I ever hear the word "hello" again without following up with adele lyrics?!)

Ok, friends (people read this right?) its 2016 and its time to put some dreams to paper and make them a reality.  I have spent the last three years, since finding out I was pregnant with Emi, trying to decide how to fit my love for interiors and styling into this amazing season I am in of raising our babies.  For a while I didn't know if they could go hand in hand, but I have decided that excuse is for the birds.  So, I am doing it.  I should probably let the suspense build until I have all of the details worked out and a pretty new space ready to launch, but instead I am going to put it out there in its infant stages and use this super vague "announcement" as my accountability.  I have been inspired lately by a few things ranging from super encouraging responses from dear friends to this video that I stumbled upon. Enjoy... 

So, I am going for it.  I have a pretty good idea what it will look like, but give me a few weeks (c'mon people there is a 7 week old in my house lets not get too ambitious!) to iron out the details.  Until then, I hope to be popping in more regularly.  And, I will leave you with a pretty little round up of things that have been catching my eye lately.  Happy 2016! 


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