I was so ready to get rid of the "want to be red but really your pink" front door at our new house. It was such a strange color combination that made me think of ketchup and mustard every time I saw it. We have "longer" term plans to re-side the house and choose a new exterior color during that process. But, until then I need to make the current color work. Thanks to a little photoshop I realized that getting rid of the red mulch and red door makes the house look more tan and less gold. We had contractors at the house this week painting trim, the LR and starting some kitchen reno so while that was happening I had to get to work on that front door. Oh, the difference it makes! Color is Valspar's Lincoln Cottage Black, I am also including some front door accessories we have ordered/plan on adding.
....and a little photoshop peek of what we are going for with the addition of shutters and some climbing vines.
Here is the order to paint your front door, it makes a big difference (panes, horizontal lines, then vertical lines)!